P. J. Alling wrote:

More like 3 Feet 3.6 inches  ~ 1 meter...

More than enough to very annoying over 100 yards, (or meters if you prefer).

danilo wrote:

Wasn't  it:

3 feet ~= 1 meter ??

(school was some times ago)


For order of magnitude conversions, it's just fine.
If someone mentions a 7 meter length to you, what do you do?
A quick multiplication by three yields 21 feet ~ just add a little bit.
For most practical uses, that's plenty close enough.
As a inch/feet/mile guy, I can visualize 21+ feet quickly and that's all I need to know.

So what if it *IS* betweeen 21 and 23 feet? For a "quick and dirty" estimate of length, it's just fine.

That's for those who can't think in metric yet.

keith whaley

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