I have never had a problem with "back focus" with my istD, however in low light 
with my D1 
it does happen.
Camera tends to focus on an object further that what you really want. The 
finder in the D1
is very 
good, and i can usually tell if i'm off,then i just refocus.

The only time i really see this is during the two indoor horse shows i do, as 
the lighting
is very poor.


                                        > Hello list
> What is "back focos"?
> Does the camera focus closer to or further away from where it should?
> Which lenses are especially prone to back focus on a *ist D?
> Only "analog" lenses?
> Please
> A friend asked me. I don't know, so I ask where I expect people (you guys)
> to knoe the answer :-)
> Regards
> Jens

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