David Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Dec 2, 2005, at 6:41 PM, David Oswald wrote:
>> Windows and IE?  Who uses IE nowadays?
>Somewhere around 70% of internet users (not accounting for the small  
>amount that fake their user-agent to get around browser-detection code).
>According to the stats I'm looking at right now, IE6 usage is rising  
>but IE5 is falling at the same time, so the total usage of IE has  
>been about the same throughout this year.
>I still use it but only for compatibility testing.  It's interesting  
>that Mac IE5.2 seems to give a pretty close approximation to the bugs  
>and quirks of IE6 on XP SP2.  That helps my workflow greatly, but it  
>does make me wonder what they changed :)

Does the new version of Firefox allow you to select which sites you
allow to run JavaScript? (Similar to the way it lets you choose who can
set cookies.) That's the only think I found lacking in the previous
version and the only thing that keeps me using IE.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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