Rob Brigham mused:
[ . . . . ]
> I do think you went over the top about the rewind speed as the sport
> professional you describe would surely have two bodies or risk missing
> the crucial shot even on faster cameras.
Multiple bodies avoid the time spent changing lenses; you can't
switch between two bodies faster than the 2.5fps of the MZ-S.
Interestingly enough, the first time I used the MZ-S I was very aware
of the increased time for an exposure to complete compared to a PZ-1p.
Last weekend I didn't really notice it, even though I was switching
between both cameras (partly for the other reason to use two bodies;
two different film speeds). This was the first time I'd used the
battery grip - I wonder if the film advance, etc., is faster?
John Francis . . . . . . . . . . (650) 429-4427 444 Castro St. Suite 101, Mt. View, CA 94041
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