On Dec 18, 2005, at 2:11 PM, E.R.N. Reed wrote:

During the period when I used to read Outdoor Photographer (several years ago) I noticed that Dewitt Jones brought up his shooting for National Geographic in every single column at least once. Since I was also in the habit of reading National Geographic and had never noticed his name in a byline or photo credit, I eventually looked him up in the index and found a small number of references, but he still really isn't one of the first, say, twenty names that would come to my mind if I were trying to think of National Geographic photographers. Just struck me as major name-dropping, the way he kept on with it, and persistent name-droppers just set my teeth on edge. 'Course, I haven't read OP in many years, so for all I know, by now Dewitt Jones could have died, retired, or stopped referring to himself as an NG photographer every month, (Rowell died way after I stopped reading the mag) and the text may now have its typos corrected before printing. For all I know.

I don't know Dewitt Jones, and had never heard of him before seeing his column in OP. I noticed that he mentioned National Geographic a lot, as well. I don't have a problem with that so long as he actually did at least one shoot for them, though. Most of us tend to emphasize our accomplishments. I've been accused of being a name dropper as well. Some seem to be offended that I know so many well- known photographers, and am not shy about saying so. It would be hard not to meet a lot of these people when you are the Editor of a major photography magazine for more than twenty years.

While on the subject of name dropping, I've worked for National Geographic as a technical consultant for some years. You won't see my name in the magazine, but if you look at the credits in the series of Photo Field Guide books, you'll find me there.

So I'm sure some will just consider me a name dropper if I recount experiences with known photographers. As I said, I don't know Dewitt Jones, but George Lepp is another old friend. Met him in '89.


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