
The post in India sucks and is riddled with corruption and
plain theft.  I am sorry for your loss.  I never send anything
there except though some private company - DHL etc.
Or else, don't sell to India at all if you must send things
through the govt. postal dept.


On 12/26/05, Don Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I sold an ME Super and a P30 body to a
> man in Mumbai and posted them the day
> after I got the PayPal advice. They
> disappeared -- in Mumbai -- and he never
> got them. He complained to PayPal,
> blaming me -- the implication being I
> had never sent the package. Because of
> the arbitrary way PayPal often handle
> these matters I sent him another camera
> by registered post, this time with a
> zoom lens, as compensation. Registered
> priority postage cost me £30. After
> weeks and weeks he finally managed to
> find the package in the Post Office
> warehouse in Mumbai and had to pay a
> total of 2376 Rupees which included a
> substantial bribe, to get the camera. We
> have exchanged about twenty emails since
> October. After some time he retracted
> his complaint to PayPal after realizing
> the fault lay with the Mumbai Post
> Office and not me. But that doesn't help
> me get any of the money back. Here's his
> latest letter -- received a few minutes ago:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> sir,
> 1.hope this finds you hale and hearty.
> 2.after much chase,i was able to trace
> the second box
> yesterday at the customs dept. warehouse.
> 3.had to pay INR1532 as customs duty.
> INR644 for octroi duty payable to
> mumbai
> municipal corporation.
> another 200 for corrupt officials.
> 6.but i am happy i finally got it.
> 7.still looking for second package..
> 8.have to go,write to you later.
> yours,
> --- Don Williams
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > > Has either of the packages has arrived
>  > > in Mumbai yet? It's a about time
>  > > something happened. There must be a
>  > > thief in the Post Office who needs
> to be
>  > > caught and put in gaol.
>  > >
>  > > Don
> --
> Dr E D F Williams
> _______________________________
> See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
> Updated: Print Gallery    --   16 11 2005

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