Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...<clip>...
> However, the histogram (and apparently the blinkies
> as well) in the *ist cameras describe the jpeg image. When shooting
> RAW, some highlights that might shown as off the scale can actually be
> accommodated. ...<clip>...

I agree with Paul, and would like to add that the Photoshop RAW
converter can rebuild a bit of the highlight information as long as
all three channels aren't completely blown.

So, if you're only a little overexposed, chances are you've preserved
a bit more detail in the shadows and may have a better overall

It would be great if Pentax and the other camera companies would
publish white papers with a little more info on how the histograms are
generated.  This is the kind information that is perfect for the
support side of their web sites.

See you later, gs

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