On 28/12/05, Perry Pellechia, discombobulated, unleashed:

>This is when things went horribly wrong.  As I am trying to knock him
>into the tub he
>crawls onto the poker.  He then races along the poker, to my arm then
>over my head and
>down my back as I knelt in front of the fire place.  Marianne screams
>as the squirrel runs
>to the far corner of the family room.


Yo Perry, that's a great tail pal :-)

My cats would have had it in a thrice. Occasionally they'll bring a live
mouse into the house and I rant at them to take it outside but you know
cats, they'll lose interest in it just to spite me. So I end up having
to corner the thing and get it out.

Next time, maybe crispy critters with BBQ sauce? At least he was in the
right place ;-)


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