
That 43/1.9 you sold me still has a whirring to it, but I don't mind.
My silver 77/1.8 is a lot quieter, but still has a bit of noise when focusing.
I bought a black 31/1.8 and it is quieter still, the quietest but
still some noise.
Then I splurged on a black 77, a little more noise, and then a black
43, still more...

On the whole, the blacks are without a notable whir, more like a drag
or very high pitched, quiet/constant meshing of gears.  Here's how
they rank...
Your silver 43 - 'whirring' like always
The silver 77 - modest noise, -1db, not a clicking or whirring but something
The black 43 - just a bit quieter than the 77 (-.5db?)
The black 77 - still quieter
The black 31 - quietest of the crew, probably -2db (did somebody say fine sand?)
Perhaps the blacks will develop more noise, but the 43 and 77 are just
out of the box.

So now I think I'm gonna sell the silvers, after I test the lenses
(damned Wheafield Willie has to go and say some are sharper than

Regards,  Bob

On 12/30/05, Fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> For those of you with the 77/1.8 and also either the 31/1.8 or the 43/1.9,
> could you please describe the focus feel of the 77/1.8 as compared with the
> either or both of the others.
> I ask because I used to have the 43/1.9, and I used to grumble about a
> "whirring" sort of manual focus feel to that lens design, yet I do not feel
> that annoyance with the 77/1.8 at all.  Is the 77/1.8 better in this
> regard, or is my mind merely playing tricks on me?
> [Of course, I do know that, even if they are different, my mind may still
> be playing tricks on me, but I digress...]
> Fred

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