Hi everybody!

I wonder about the history of two lenses:
Tokina ATX 80-400 f/4-5.6 and Sigma 100-300 f/4

1. Tokina: THK web site says it is not available in Pentax mount,
but as far as I understand, the previous variation of this lens
was available (AF Pentax mount). I couldn't, however, find
any references to its quality.
Overall, - does anybody know what was the history of this lens:
when did it come on the market, when was it replaced by the present model,
and why Tokina no longer makes it with Pentax mount?

2. Sigma 100-300 f/4:
I am still looking for it, and so, I wonder - 
what was the history of this lens: when was it introduced to the market?
Why so few store carry it - in any mount, but especially in Pentax?

Thank you,


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