Just puzzling to me that people keep identifying with the innocent.

I would venture to say that none of us wants to see a guilty party go free. Speaking for myself, I even more so, don't want to see an innocent party found guilty and punished.

The first case is most likely one of justice (or retribution) postponed. The second case is plain and simple injustice.

Tom C.

I would also venture to say that as horrific as pedophilia and child porn is, and as terrible as it may be that someone can commit such crimes and seemingly get away with it, it's even more horrific to consider that an innocent person could be falsely accused and punished for a crime they did not commit.

When that occurs NO ONE IS SAFE, and JUSTICE WAS STILL NOT SERVED. Not to the child victim, not to the offender, and not to the innocent falsely accused party.

Tom C.

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