Yuan-Juhn Chiao wrote on 11.01.06 10:48:

> The iMac looks great, although those of us in Europe
> have to pay alot more (€1349, or $1600 compared to
> $1299 in the States. Ouch).
> I look forward to being able to dual-boot between
> Windows and OSX as well.   Although I do fear that
> productivity would plummet, as I will be tempted to
> boot into WinXP for games :)
We'll have to wait and see how fast and good emualation of Power PC code is?
So far Apple announced that their own applications: Aperture, Final Cut
Studio 1, Logic Pro 7.1 - will require an update, because they don't work
under emulation (it is calles Rosetta) - upadates of course won't be free -
it's Apple style :-( PowerPC, OSX now Intel. I hope users will be still
patient to handle another changes and costs...

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

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