The answer is simply too complex to treat briefly. There are too many things about Windows, the Windows UI, and applications that run on Windows that get in the way for me to articulate.

One relatively easy thing for me to relate is my work:

I do system administration contracting to pay the rent at present while I get my photographic endeavors up to providing my income. I work on Mac OS X systems most, do a bit of more generic UNIX, Linux and network management too. I have colleagues I work with that do the Windows platforms on my current contract site.

I spend most of my contract hours enhancing the capabilities of the Mac OS X users' environment with new things ... my colleagues spend most of their contract hours battling with viruses, obfuscated OS and application configurations. I wouldn't want their job at twice my hourly rate, they would take a pay cut for the pleasure of working with the stuff I do.

'Nuff said.


On Jan 11, 2006, at 9:14 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Just curious ... how so?


[Original Message]
From: Godfrey DiGiorgi

Windows gives me a  headache:
it gets in the way of doing what I want the
computer to do more times than not.

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