Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Shel Belinkoff wrote:
>> I don't see it as bashing if someone expresses a preference.
>You're right of course.  It is his preference. I guess I'm just tired of 
>the "windows sucks, windows sucks, windows sucks" mantra from Godfrey. 
>And again, I think windows sucks too.  And Mac, and linux, and solaris, 

I used to do all my photo restoration work at the store on Macs (both
OX9 and OSX) and I still occasionally work with Macs at school and in my
private computer tutoring. My home setup is Win2k, and most of the
workstations at the university are XP. It just baffles me how anyone can
get worked up over either system. It's just six of one and half a dozen
of the other these days. People just tend to prefer what they're most
used to and always get the most accomplished with the least effort on
that platform.

One of the Mac users I teach needed my help this morning because her
computer suddenly stopped recognizing her printer. Plus ca change...
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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