Hey Cotty,

Thanks for the reading material.  I guess my concerns revolve around the
flare control and close focus ability.  Something to think about.

Bruce Dayton
Sacramento, CA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cotty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: What to do

> >any zooms out there that I should consider?  The only choices seem to be
> >Tokina 28-70 or 80 ATX-Pro, Sigma 28-70 f:2.8 EX or the Pentax 28-70
> >(really pricey).  Does anyone have any experience with any of these?
> I can vouch for the Tokina 28-70. Very good build construction, though
> heavy, as with any fast zoom. Some find the AF/MF push/pull action
> fiddly. Nonesense, you soon get used to it.
> Here's some reading:
> http://www.picture-perfect.net/tokina28-70review.shtml
> http://www.introphoto.co.uk/28-80mm.htm
> http://www.photographyreview.com/reviews/35mm_zoom_lenses/product_5593.asp
> http://www.photozone.de/reviews/tokina2870.htm
> HTH,
> Cotty

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