Try Irfanview, it's a free editor with a thumbnail/browsing feature, it handles Pentax PEF files, (from the DS and D) and most other image files. You can select an external editor to use as well.


Dear List,
I downloaded Rawshooter Essentials 2005 and I was very pleased with the way it allows me to do selection and correction to the files I load from my DS to the computer.
But.......I only see the RAW files.
I am not a pure RAW-shooter but a MIXED-shooter, when shooting a bunch of shots knowing on forehand that they will never have the quality or level for a PBCF, I shoot them in JPG, still always highest quality, because you never know if it might become the "once in a lifetime shot" by accident.

I used Picasa a while but that program only handles JPG and not the Pentax RAW's

The Pentax browser handles mixed files. but aren't there better options?

Greetings Jos

When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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