When using it on a tripod, I would use the LX without the winder. It's a more 
secure connection and less lever length to stress the connection. I once 
mistakenly attached my LX, motor drive and A400/5.6 to a tripod using the 
tripod mount in the motor drive rather than the lens' mount. (A case of brain 
fade.) The weight of the lens ripped the motor drive apart.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Jon Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I wonder if it'll put too much strain on an LX+winder
> tripod-mounted... Guess I'll find out in a week or two
> when it arrives! :)
> --- Fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> I've got a M*300/4 on its way to me. I'm stoked.
> > 
> > > Great lens! A fine compromise between reach and
> > "hand-holdability."
> > 
> > Indeed.  I find 300mm to be a great hand-holdable FL
> > (assuming that the
> > light is reasonably bright).
> > 
> > > <predictable_rant>
> > > But I wish it had a tripod collar...
> > > </predictable_rant>
> > 
> > In the words of Bill Clinton, "I feel your pain" -
> > <g>.
> > 
> > Fred
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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