Yes, it is great. Pentax has maximized their investment in the D by releasing a number of variants intended to boost sales. Or would you prefer they just lose money on every camera they develop? This is a company playing catching up, and they're playing it smart. They'll probably never reach the frontrunners, but if they can remain a few steps behind and develop some new pieces, I'll be happy. Those who will not be happy should got to a maker who can make them happy. It's really quite simple.
On Jan 28, 2006, at 12:26 AM, David Mann wrote:

On Jan 28, 2006, at 1:41 AM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

This is just buzz marketing. It's a new version of the DL, a minor upgrade meant to stimulate sales. It's nothing to get excited about, and it's nothing to wring one's hands over. The sky isn't falling.

Oh great, yet another *ist-D variant that's hardly any different from the others.

- Dave

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