so I bought the split-prism screen out of an old dead Minolta for $5.

Do you remember which Minolta model was the donor? This may be useful for those thousands following you :)

The guy who runs the shop is kinda surly and had already taken the screen out. I think I may have seen the donor on the table, but I'm unfamiliar with models. X and 7 stick out in my mind. I'll try to call and confirm.

At the time I was busy trying to get one that didn't have scuffs on it. The first one he had had a scratch down the side. I got one without a scuff.

One thing to note... on these smaller sizes, the split prism is a larger *fraction* of the viewfinder. Doesn't bother me, but it does take up 1/4-1/3 of the vertical distance.

for this reason a screen like the one in P30t seems to be perfect - with small, diagonal split image and narrow raster ring around it, something like this:
Anyone remember if/which other Pentaxes (or other brands) have this small split/raster?

Go figure. That's probably why I'm going for that kind. My 35mm film Pentax was a P30t. Don't know why anyone would want anything other than diagonal.... it's *always* easy to find something to zero in on with diagonal. I didn't think the screen was removable from the P30T... at least without serious disassembly. I've got two good ones, but can't justify tearing one down for its screen.

Also, I took a few test shots this morning. Original focus may have been off a bit, but after removing and re-inserting it's dead-on. It may tend to let a bit more light into the meter (1/2 stop or so), so it tends to underexpose. Didn't seem to matter whether it was spot or center-weighted. I tended to think the camera underexposed 1/2 stop in general anyway. I subscribe to the "expose to the right" philosophy of DSLR exposure and I almost always cranked up +0.5. Now it looks like +0.5 or +1.0 depending on how the histogram comes out.

Now... if only I could figure out a way to clean it. All I did was rinse the plastic dust off with water and blow it dry. There's a bit of scum/dirt on it, but I don't want to scratch it cleaning it. In case anyone's curious, I did the "point-and-shoot-through-the-viewfinder":



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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