
Well, it is simpler, but I'm not crazy about that style particularly.  I
can see a few ways it can be improved a bit (for my taste, anyway) while
still maintaining a nice simple, clean, uncluttered look.


> [Original Message]
> From: Pat Kong 

> That's ok, Don.  That's the purpose of anonymity on the 'Net. <g>
> Thanks for standing up for me, Shel.  I threw together another gallery
just for
> fun.  http://patkong.jangness.com/berkeley_album/
> The source images are not up to par with first gallery, but that's not the
> point.
> Is this what you meant by a "simpler" look?  It is the plain skin in
Porta and
> without the frames look that Marnie didn't like.  Personally, I don't
like this
> layout.  Feel free to comment.
> Patsy

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