----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Loveless"
Subject: I'm an idiot

So I've had this roll of HIE in the fridge for a while and finally
decided to expose it.  So I loaded it, in the dark, into the *ist,
attached a lens and #25 red filter, and headed to the great
out-of-doors.  After exposing my very first roll of infrared film I
unloaded the camera, in the dark, put the cassette back into it's
canister, and then placed it back into the fridge to await processing.
This was a few days ago.

Today.  Page 36 of the operating manual.  "Infrared film cannot be
used.  This camera uses infrared rays to detect film transport so
infrared film may be exposed."

Feel free to point at me and laugh.

Process it anyway. The frame counter is a small IR optical sensor that counts sprocket holes.
For sure you will have a fogged edge, but the images should be fine...
Providing you covered the DX window, which uses a foam seal to keep light off the film, and is possibly not IR opaque.

William Robb

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