Powell Hargrave wrote:
> >These aren't being shot for reproduction as far as I know,
> >just for galleries
> >to review his work. It may be that absolutely precise color
> >is not going to swing
> >the viewers one way or the other - but I'd certainly like to
> >get as close as possible to
> >reality.
> >
> > ann
> I'm always amazed how bad many of the slides are which are submitted to our
> selection committee.  I frequently scan these slides and "colour correct"
> the pictures for Nanaimo Art Gallery's brochures and web site.  Often when
> I see the actual painting the colour can be very different.
> If this is for submission to a selection committee perfect colour is not
> necessary.  Close to accurate is just fine.
> Lighting is more important.  If the works are glazed if is best to use two
> lights at 45 degrees.  I use two flashes.  Gives decent colour.
> I like to work in a dim room with no light behind the camera. A nail in the
> wall to hold the painting.  Two flashes at 45 degrees on stands.  Wear dark
> clothes.
> Shoot hand held.  A tripod is not necessary if using flash.  That way it is
> easy to frame and level by moving the camera.  Be careful to shoot straight
> at the centre of the painting by checking that all four sides are parallel
> to the frame.  Use a good macro lens if possible.
> Is your pictures are straight, sharp, have good colour and few reflections
> they with be way above average.

I'm hoping I dont have to bring a lot of lighting gear...
whatever I do and whatever film I use, I'm shooting digital
too, rather like using polaroid
for checking ight in the olden days.

I wouldn't dream of shooting hand held or using flash. IF I
have to, I'll use studio lights...
I can barely hold the camera up anymore, let alone hold it
steady. Cant have Theraultian blur
for artwork :)

I have a portable level to use on the camera and the arwork
itself. once ive set up for the
first painting, nothing will change for all that are the
same size. 

But I certainly am appreciative of all the help on emulsions
for all of you.  

> Powell Hargrave      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Digital Imaging      http://members.shaw.ca/hargravep
> Nanaimo Art Gallery  http://nanaimogallery.ca
> Nanaimo,  Vancouver Island,  British Columbia,  Canada

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