What? And leave all the silly mistakes up to me?? ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 5:29 PM
> To: Lasse Karlsson
> Subject: Re: SMC Pentax-A 3.5 35-135mm - comments, please
> >>> Jens if I had to give an award to the three best "A" zooms
> >>> here's what I'd pick:
> >>> A 35-105/3.5
> >>> A 70-210/4
> >>> A 35-70/4
> >>
> >> I agree with Don here, Jens, although I think I'd add the A 70-210/4 to
> >> this list.
> > You want two "simultanous" A 70-210/4:s?
> <groan>  Oops - in the original post by Don, he listed those three, and
> then immediately mentioned me liking the 28-135/4.  In my (feeble) mind, I
> sort of "elevated" (I guess) the 28-135/4 into his list, and then
> "decided"
> that the A 70-210/4 should "also" (<g>) be on his list.
> I think I'd be a lot safer for everybody if I were merely a
> "lurker" - <g>.
> Fred

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