I think part of it is the DL2 -- I really don't know how they compare, but the 
DL2 is 'newer'.

I saw one press release that said the DS2 was "back by popular demand" -- 
meaning it's already been off the market once.  I don't know what the sales 
numbers are like, but I'm sure there's no dedicated, full-time DS2 production 
line.  My bet would be that they make a pile, sell them, make another pile, 
sell them, make a pile of something else for a while, then make some more DS2s. 
 A camera's popularity or lack thereof is a really tricky thing to judge.


-----Original Message-----

From:  "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: No istDS2 in some stores
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 10:08 am
Size:  1K
To:  pentax-discuss@pdml.net

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter ... I'm really getting frustrated
with Pentax.  The D2 was just recently released <sigh>


> [Original Message]
> From: Aaron Reynolds

> On Feb 7, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> > Last evening I visited three stores to check prices and to possibly 
> > order
> > an istDS2.  Buydig and Beach Camera, and another the name of which I've
> > forgotten, didn't list the camera as being available.  Some other 
> > stores -
> > more expensive generally - did show the camera in stock.  Odd ... I'll 
> > have
> > to call Buydig a little later to see what's up.
> I purchased a DS2 last Monday (should arrive today or tomorrow) and it 
> was one of the last 10 that Pentax Canada had, not in stock at Pentax 
> Canada but factory stock in the Philippines.  They had no more on hand 
> in Canada.
> So stock of DS2s in Canada is currently limited to what is on-hand in 
> stores.
> I don't know if it's discontinued or just between production runs.  But 
> they were offering a $50 rebate in Canada if you bought one with a 
> lens, which is usually the sign that they're getting rid of the last 
> ones.
> -Aaron

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