On 7 Feb 2006 at 17:22, Don Sanderson wrote:

> That's because they are using the standard 3229 Tilt head
> which would normally be mounted the other way.
> It is odd but I don't think it'll be too bad.
> I already have the same plate living on the D, just a few
> seconds to turn it sideways.

I own and use 141RC, 460Mg and 308RC heads that all share that plate, I used to 
use them all most comfortably with the long edge of the QR plate aligned with 
the camera. I currently use a semi-permanent QR L plate fixture on my camera 
body which I can't rotate, I had looked at this device in the past and I think 
that it's a great idea but I still find their choice of QR plate orientation 

Interestingly of the six plates I own three show only one lens direction arrow 
(pointing towards the long edge of the plate), however the latest two show two 
lens direction arrows (perpendicular to each other), so I guess it's a 
relatively new thing.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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