The remedy is almost certainly relubrication.

Greases change properties over time and become harder. In addition, they can accumulate particles, both from the environment and wear on the mechanical parts. Most such particles will be more partial to moisture than the grease itself, and thus impact the low-temperature performance.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jon Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 3:58 AM
Subject: LX grouchy when cold

I've discovered that my LX acts up when it's cold. But
only when cold.

What it's doing resembles the "sticky mirror" issue,
but the mirror isn't sticking to the bumper at all. So
that's not the case. Pressing the shutter release
causes the mirror to start to move, it gets a few
millimeters off the bumper and then moves very slowly
upwards while the winder complains. Works beautifully
when at room temperature though.

What could be the cause and remedy of this?

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