1. Which lens are you willing to get beat in a harsh environment
when you don't want to take the nice lenses out to play.
2. Which lens will you only bring out in the nicest conditions?
(and as a result this lens, though perhaps now having some age to it,
still looks like new)

Others have said this, perhaps more eloquently than I:

I buy lenses to use, not to collect. I take a lens out to when it is appropriate to use it. Keeping a good lens on the shelf, when it would do a good job taking pictures, is a waste of money. If a lens gets trashed being used for what it was designed to do, so be it.

When I have a nice (call it expensive) lens and find I don't want to use it much for some reason, I sell it rather than waste money. That's what happened to my FA31 and DA16-45.


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