On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 15:39:32 -0000, Cory Papenfuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, indeed. Fred, do you have a simple recipe for removing the pin from Ricoh lenses. Ideally a reversible operation, as the uncertain transexual said to his surgeon.

I've managed to take the flange and Ricoh pin off a couple PK/A-R lenses. Once inside, it was a tiny screw that held the pin and its associated resistor to the flange. After removing that, the little plastic insulator for the pin came out as well. I filled the hole with hotglue and cut flush. It's reversible if someone ever wanted to.


Thank you. Can you remember if anything else came adrift when you removed the flange, or was it very straightforward? From bitter experience, I know that I'm much better at taking things apart than I am at putting them back together.


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