On 2/11/06, Juan Buhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Outsourcing is a natural consequence of globalization. The fact is
> that if we averaged the resources of the world among its population,
> our nice American standard of life would not be sustainable.


What prevents the rest of the world from having an equivalent standard
of living is not the lack of resources but a lack of rationality.  Europe
(and as a side effect, America) had an enlightenment that raised
living standards and the rest of the world did not.

Slowly, as other countries are absorbing the remanents of the the
ideas of the Enlightenment their living standards are rising too.

I also think that people are ingenious enough to convert things that
were previously useless into resources as the need arises.   There
are a lot of examples of this - oil, waste steel, silica etc.

> Capitalism aims to maximize profit, not happiness, not health,
> certainly not people's standard of living.

Those things come as a side-effect of profit.  No profit, no happiness


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