Jack Davis wrote on 11.02.06 14:44:

> For those who may be curious, or even care, the March '06 issue of Pop
> Photo has a performance comparison between Canon XT, Konica Minolta
> Max. 5D, Nikon D50, Olympus Evolt E-500 and the Pentax *ist DS2.
> While this listing is alphabetical, the order is a hint at the
> article's results.
> I'll skip the tedious details, but forward a final comment in their
> "Bottom Line" summary. "Pentax needs a hot new rig (say, 8-10MP) in its
> lineup".
Hmmm... Nikon D50 has still 6MPix sensor and KM 5D too... D50 lacks some
serious essential functions like DOF preview and it has "keyhole" type
viewfinder, 5D has smaller pentamirror based viewfinder and low resolution
(about 110000 pixels) but large (2.5") LCD making pixels very visible and
getting into view. So it all dpends on tester's mood during test day ;-)

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

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