
> I read a great science-fiction novel years, and years, and years ago, that 
> I've been trying to find ever since. Well, well, well before NAFTA, well 
> before 
> this was even conceived of. I'd say at least 20 years ago, maybe even longer.
> Well, it wasn't that well-written, as I recall, but the ideas were starling 
> and an eye opener. And ever since, as time has gone on, I feel it has become 
> more and more prophetic. I wish I knew what the name of it was, maybe it was 
> a 
> short story. Some have written the same idea since, but it was the first one 
> to 
> do so as far as I know.
> The idea was - in the future there are no nations, only corporations, and all 
> allegiance is to those corporations. People are citizens of corporations, not 
> nations.

One of the best being "Do androids dream of electric sheep?"   AKA 

I'll have to think a bit about which one might be the one you are thinking 

I am in the same boat as you regarding _my_ favourite "prophecy" novel.  It 
postulates that the Reformation never occured and the world is still ruled by 
the Catholic 
church.  _That_ prospect is scary..... 


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