No problems, some more perhaps?

Remember mine's not a Katz eye (it's a cut-down Minolta screen), but my exposure appears to be pretty accurate.... or about as "accurate" as it was with the stock screen. I used to generally add +0.5EV to "expose-to-the-right" anyway.

One way I've tested mine is with a couple of screwmount lenses... an SMC 55/1.8 and a Lentar 300/5.5. Assuming the aperture ring is still correct, I was able to use it to see how the meter reacted at different f-stops without stopping down. Pointed at a static, solid-color object, I was able to click down in 1/2-stop increments. As I did that, the camera changed its meter in 1/2-stop increments to match. At least until f/11 or so when things were getting too dark to meter anyway (indoors in poor lighting), it was more or less dead-on.

I've notice my cut-down screen is slightly off-center. That might actually help a bit vs. the exactly centered commercial version.



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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