Igor Roshchin wrote:
Wed, 15 Feb 2006 00:30:41 -0800
mike wilson wrote:

PS. Rather interesting effect on IMGP2945: two horizontal lines, better noticeable on the island.

Seems to be a weather or spray phenomenon.  It's on 2943, also.

What do you mean by "spray phenomenon"? There are several different things people call "spray phenomenon",
but I was not able relate those to the observed.
Do you mean the same as what I describe below?

Yes. A possible mechanism would be that there are two or more layers of air, separated because they are at different temperatures. Spray drops of a certain size get trapped in one layer but not in another. As the islands seem to be quite rocky, it seems reasonable to assume that there would be plenty of spray around to generate this phenomenon when the conditions are right. I've seen similar on the coast here but only one layer and not so clearly defined. [I'll have to phix that in Photoshop 8-)))]

I suspect it doesn't happen very often......

Indeed, it is on 2943 as well, and as I just noticed - there are
also two lines (not one as I had thought).

Wed, 15 Feb 2006 02:38:46 -0800
Jens Bladt wrote:

Very nice photographs, Igor.
Do ahve an explanation for the virticval line thing?
Great lens, isn't is?

Thank you!

Did you mean "horizontal line"? (I don't see any vertical lines of a particular interest) No, I don't have explanation. I am thinking if it could be due to the light reflected from the water
that then gets scattered by the lower air layers (which should
also contain more water mist that can produce this light scattering).
Nevertheless, I am puzzled why there are clearly seen _two_ lines.
If these photos were taken with a film camera I would've started looking if something left a trace on the film when it was advanced.

As for the lens, - I am not completely sure. It is good,
but I was expecting something better. As I said, I didn't
notice much difference from the Tamron lens (image 2943 was taken with Tamron).


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