Collin wrote:

A follow-up discussion would be to evaluate the various belief systems to ferret out "truth".

No, that discussion should question whether or not we need a belief system at all. After that we might try to find the system that has the least organized intolerance. As none of them represents a truth that would be the natural choice to maintain peace.


Relabeled OT...

Do you believe in absolute truth? There are those that do not accept that premise, nor would they choose to adhere to a belief system embracing such a concept, not wanting to be confined by reality. :-)

Not believing that a belief system is required, is itself a belief system, and is based on less empirical evidence than many so-called belief systems. Therefore everyone would have their own belief system, some similar and some radically different. It doesn't seem that would be a path to peace.

As mere humans with finite life spans, none of us can claim to know it all or understand it all. But that does not mean there is not a belief system that embraces truth and comes as close as we can possibly hope to know at the moment.

Tom C.

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