----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom C"
Subject: Re: Pentax Pre PMA announcment.

I'm shocked that Pentax does not have at least a *visible* DSLR presence *consistently* in these major mass retailers. I would stick my neck out on the line and guess that by far the vast majority of camera sales (in the USA at least) are done in person at one of those four retailers I mentioned, plus Wal-Mart/Sams. I know that most, if not all of these retailers, have at one time or another, had a Pentax DSLR on display for sale.

I was chatting with a fellow at our local enthusiast's shop the other day.
He is quite concerned that photography is now an extension of the home electronics industry. The last thing I heard about cameras at a mass retailer were two out and out lies about the product they were selling. After sales support at mass retailers is limited to replacing defective equipment.
I don't consider this to be acceptable retailing.


William Robb

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