On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 06:14:14AM -0500, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
> >My sentiments exactly. I've just finished selling off the rest of my 
> >pre-AF Pentax lenses (keeping only the A50/2.8 Macro) since I've replaced 
> >all of them with the newer, better performing current series offerings. 
> >Adding cost to the package to support 20+ year old lenses is less 
> >desirable to me than making a very fine camera with good ergonomics, 
> >responsiveness, etc.
> >
>       It's been well-established (primarily by the short burst from a 
> troll awhile back) that it's a very minimal additional expense.

That's a gross mis-representation of the true situation.  While it
was generally agreed that the actual cost of the pieces of hardware
were not a large expense, the additional costs were not so trivial.
These included extra electro-mechanical parts (more things to go wrong).

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