On 26/2/06, mike wilson, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Were you filming the demo in Oxford?

Not today - a couple of colleagues on duty. No trouble at all.

Did Tipu Aziz on Friday in the run-up. He's an amazing bloke - virtually
a photographic memory - always says to me 'ahh yes you're the one who
thinks I have a messy office'. I commented on what a tip it was the
first time I went in there. But it is - has to be seen to be believed.
Table in the middle of the room full to the brim with books and papers,
laptop and some phones squeezed in, wires dangling willy nilly to the
wall sockets so you have to step over them each time you pass, shelves
and tables all around filled with uncountable books and papers, the odd
monkey skull dotted about, and a fish tank big enough for several
schools with two lonely goldfish looking lost in it ( 'the rest all died' ).

I suppose for a man who leads research into electrode implants into the
brain, his priorities are not exactly to do with keeping a tidy office ;-)

I'd love to line up a portrait with him though - in that office....


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