> On Feb 28, 2006, at 4:01 AM, 
> > Also my Airport Express with AirTunes arrived today.
> > Whoo Hoo. Now i never have to come out of the basement.:-)
> > One question, well two, four is right out.
> >
> > Is there a restriction on cable length from the Express to a  
> > stereo. Right now mine would
> > be about 20' away.
> SNR increases with distance over the wire. For better quality, use  
> good cables and keep the distance from the Airport Express as short  
> as possible.

Ok. I forgot about that. I'll be moving my desk downstais one day, so then it 
would be
about 8-10 feet 

> > The unit came with software and iTunes. I have iTunes on the iBook,  
> > and Airport Wireless
> > is built in. Do i need to install the software or is it already on  
> > the computer and i just have to set up
> > the unit from a Wizard.
> Use the Software Update panel in System Preferences to see if there  
> are any updates to the Airport Admin application, Airport itself, or  
> iTunes. If there are, let them install. If not, just use what's on  
> the computer already. You run the Airport Setup Assistant to do the  
> basic configuration, then you use Airport Admin to tweak settings  
> beyond that.


> Important:
> Be sure to turn on at least 128-bit WEP or Personal WPA encryption,  
> which requires you to set a password on the wireless network.  
> Otherwise, you're broadcasting everything you communicate in clear  
> text across the network for anyone to capture with a sniffer.
> For an Airport Express, unless it's a very very recent production,  
> there will likely be a firmware update available when you first start  
> to configure it. The Airport Setup Assistant will ask you if you want  
> to install it. Do so.

Ok, see this is why i ask questions.<vbg> 

> Godfrey


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