Unfortunately, most of us don't live close to the Apple store, or similar
stores, and the phone is a better option - or even the only option.  Today
I called Keeble & Schucat and got nicely jerked around.  Called
Reed'sCcamera in Walnut Creek and got lied to.  Called Sarber's Camera in
Berkeley and was met with ignorance and stupidity.  Spoke to a camera shop
in Milwauke and couldn't buy the camera I wanted because they didn't
approve of my shipping address. Contacted a Canadian seller of the same
camera and couldn't get a straight answer wrt the camera warranty.  Went to
Adolph Gasser's site to see what they had, and their site doesn't allow
checking on inventory or easily placing an order.  Called and spoke with
someone who gave me information opposite to that on the web site.

I tell you, Godders, I'm either one big schmuck and don't know squat, or
the retail and service worlds seems to be populated by morons.

As for the Apple Store, well, I went to the one in Emeryville and asked
about their Cinema displays.  The woman I spoke with said she'd get me some
information (I'd have thought she'd be able to answer any questions, but
hey, I'm an ignorant schmuck), walked away, and never returned.  I left the
store with nothing, not even a brochure, as I couldn't find one.


> [Original Message]
> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

> I just walk down the street to the Apple Retail Store and someone  
> there will answer any question I put to them.
> I spend as little time as possible with phone support personnel.  
> Between the stupid voicemail systems and the lack of expertise of  
> those manning the phones, its mostly a huge waste of time.
> Godfrey

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