By the way, I guess you already know the rangefinderforum, to avoid the 'OT'?



Cesar wrote:
There are not many who would understand, but photographically I wanted to let someone know how I have tried to extend myself photographically.

I asked some list members for inputs since I was thinking about rangefinders. Though, to be frank, I was interested in a Leica. I had heard so much about them.

I ended up going to Adorama and spending quite a bit of time looking at cameras - thanks go to my sister for being patient and letting me have as much time as I needed to decide.

The M cameras were too expensive to consider, not knowing how I would react to a rangefinder. So I looked at a screwmount Leica. You can see
for a look at what I ended up with.
This is a 1950 Leica IIIf with a 1950 Ernst Leitz Wetzlar Summitar f=5cm 1:2.

I dropped off three rolls this afternoon and am anxiously looking to getting them back after Thursday.

Funny thing - I ended up flying from NYC to Panama City through Orlando. I was coming out of the restroom when I had an asian man approach me. I had my Leica IIIf hanging around my neck. I don't recall if I had my *istD over my shoulder. He asked if I was a photographer and then asked if the camera around my neck was a Leica. He also asked if I was there for PMA. He smiled wished me a good day and then went away smiling. Would this have happened with only a Pentax around my neck? How about a Nikon or Canon?

Looking forward to a street festival this Friday when I will have the IIIf and an LX around my neck. I guess I will also have an *ist D with me too.

Hoping to keep up with the list,

Panama City, Florida

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