You missed the first rule of eBaying. Once you have bought something do not look at those items again for at least a year. <grin>

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gonz"
Subject: Re: Some more new camera speculation

John Forbes wrote:

Yes, but Rob has been in the market since 1988, and in Australia, and before the internet, and perhaps buying new. Not many Pentax lenses are worth more than they were new.

Although some of the more high end lenses are selling for exhorbitant prices right now. See the recent thread on the 80-200 2.8 ($2100). The A* 85 is another example.

The joy of eBay is that a price will seem very high, and you won't see it often, so when one comes along, you put in an exorbidant bid and win the damned thing, then have a raft of em come up at half the price over the next few months. I've had that happen more than once.

William Robb

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