On 2/3/06, John Francis, discombobulated, unleashed:

>One of the nice things about working in Reading was that
>we had a choice of Courage Director's Bitter on draught,
>gravity fed, about 100 yds from the brewery, or Fuller's
>western-most pub (The Butler) - both in walking distance
>from the office (and staggering distance back to it -
>three pints of ESB on a Friday lunchtime can be detrimental
>to getting any work done that afternoon).  There was also
>a Brakspears pub just a little further away, and a fair
>selection of free houses (and a Gales house) scattered
>amongst the surrounding villages.

Excellent. I drank ESB (Extra Special Bitter) when I was a youngun, but
prefer the London Pride now. There's a few Fuller's pubs past Oxford
now. Brakspears is lovely (pronounced brake'speers to the uninitiated).


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