Ok ok ok ok.
So I've been fooling with the OptioSv for hours and decided
it might be a keeper.  I got another several days to return it.
Yesterday was snapping, chimping, reading the manual, etc.

Today I decided to move a few shots to the computer, Win98Se is
all I have except for even older Macs and PCs.

I bought some 512MB SansDisk SD cards that have a hinge that exposes
a USB port.  Neat.  They don't work.

The CD that came with the OptioSv installs ACDSee, which puts an icon
in the system tray that presumably scans for the camera attached.
Haven't tried attaching the cam; wanted to use the USB on the SD card.
Nadda.  Recognized by Windows as device "Gemini" and no drivers found.

The guy at the store I bought this from says he can use these cards
on Win98 once he installed Pentas istDL software.

Anyone got a clue before I start pounding the Internet and wasting yet
more hours dealing with *&)$#(*)% Windows installation problems?

(pant pant pant pant).  I'm ok now.  marginally.  Tonight might end up
being a Vodka night.  Pant pant pant.

Respectfully yrs, Lon

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