On 3/3/06, John Francis, discombobulated, unleashed:

>The attitude we've seen so far seems far more suited to a google
>group, where it's more reasonable to assume that most of the
>members are idiots, and need to be told how to tie their shoes.
>As should be apparent, there are more than a few people here who
>know rather more about photographic and image processing software,
>etc., than does Roman.   As such, his attempts to set himself up
>as an expert, carrying the light to the masses (and, astonishingly,
>promoting his own commercial website) doesn't sit too well.

He spammed the list without so much as an excuse me. Once is a minor
irritant. Twice tells me he is a prat. Of course, he could make suitable
amends with a decent amount of grovelling...


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