If you've manually set a stop on your K or M lens, the camera should set the shutter speed when you hit the AE-L button.
On Mar 8, 2006, at 7:23 PM, Ryan K. Brooks wrote:

Adam Maas wrote:
Ryan Brooks wrote:

On the DL, my procedure for metering and using an "A*" lens:

- Set M mode
- Frame picture (make attempt at composition)
- Pick aperture (choose how much pudding around subject :-)
- Stop down with DOF preview and hold
- Adjust wheel to appropriate exposure (indicated by 0.0 in finder).
- (still holding DOF preview) Hit AE-L
- Relax (finally release DOF previe- start physical therapy on thumb)
- Trigger shutter (subject has left the area).

Am I missing a short cut?



With an A* lens, you can just set the lens to A, and adjust aperture on the body with the wheel and +/- button. With a K or M lens, you don't need to stop down, just hit the AE-L button, which functions like the Green button when using a lens with the aperture set to something other than A.

Hmmm.  This doesn't seem to work that way on the DL- doesn't meter.



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