Ann Sanfedele wrote:
Don - thanks for the lowdown -- makes me want to play - but
I don't have access to
the hardware necessary...
I was curious about the subject matter as I used to describe
the rock sections
in class by what they looked like to me in the art world...
I think I liked your very
first image (strong reds and greens with a leafy look) the
best. But they are all fascinating.  How come you didn't
chose one to put in this month's PUG? They all nicely fit the theme.


Don Williams wrote:

Ann Sanfedele wrote:
Don Williams wrote:

Hi all,

Someone on the list approved of my posting links to microscope pictures.

That would have been me, probably

I think we discussed the aesthetics of bi-refringence under
crossed Nichols :)

I'm enjoying these Don, but wish they were titled with the
substance you were
photographing.  Are any of these mineral thin sections or
all organic things?

It has been over 25 years since I took microscopic
petrography.  I don't know
what I'm looking at here :)

Hi Ann,

These images are not the slightest bit useful from a scientific
viewpoint. Most are of subliming crystals, none are sections and almost
all are mixtures. The big, fairly good looking orthogonal crystals, are
those of the components of Coldrex. The grid like structures are
naphthalene as are some of those that look like paintings. There are
some pictures of Potassium Ferricyanide. There are a few iodides in
there as well. The fields for picture taking are selected for their
colour and interesting squiggles. Double numbers with hyphens are stacks
of images combined with CombZ or Helicon Focus. All these were made from
supersaturated solutions allowed to crystallize under the cover slip.
All were taken with the *ist D although there were some made on film in
the earlier gallery. I used crossed polarizers and a Zeiss ROT plate as
well as homemade retardation plates of unknown value -- perhaps about
1/4 to 1/2 lambda. The polarizer and the plates were rotated to get the
most pleasing colours.

Don W

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

I can never remember in time. I have put a picture or two up in the past but haven't done for some years now. I'll try to remember.

Don W

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

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