Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any thoughts?

I've been using it almost since day one. Most of the important points
have been mentioned already. The RAW treatment is the best I've ever
seen (I'm still on PS CS non-2). The b/w conversion does indeed knock
one's socks off.

I very much miss a function to move/burn files either using Lightroom
itself or at least with Lightroom being aware of it and I don't like the
copy automatically generated each time I forward a file to PS.

Other than that it's great and I'm really looking forward to its further


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
private homepage:
manual cameras and photo galleries - updated Jan. 10, 2005
Contarex - Kiev 60 - Horizon 202 - P6 mount lenses

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