Hi Frank
thanks fopr the report and I'm proud that my asking helps revealing some
secret projects from you soon ;-)
What battery replacement do you use for the Leica instead of the Mercury


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:24 PM
>>To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
>>Subject: Re: How do you select your camera for the day? was: OT:
>>Non-Pentax eBay Auction Question
>>On 3/21/06, Markus Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi Frank
>>> How do you decide if you use your Leica, the Pentax LX or the Pentax
>>> Spotmatic? That's the ones I saw mentioned with your PESO, I'm
>>quite sure
>>> you got even more cameras?
>>> I found out, that being in sentimental mood I use the older
>>cameras like the
>>> ME Super and now the Spotmatic F a lot more.
>>> The some weeks ago purchased Spotmatic F also got a lot of use lately
>>> because of the 85mm SMC Takumar 1.8 and I just love the built
>>quality and
>>> handling.
>>> greetings
>>> Markus
>>Okay, here's how I do it:
>>For general "street" photography (ie:  my walking about town camera)
>>or for situations where small and compact is preferred and I don't
>>want to carry around a big zoom or a camera bag, then it's the Leica
>>CL.  It's quite pocketable, it's innocuous looking, very quiet,
>>extremely quick to use, and picture quality is of course second to
>>none (like that matters...  <LOL>).  I probably take about 75% of my
>>photos with it.
>>I'll also use the CL for travel situations where space is at a premium.
>>Any situation where a lens other than "standard" one is required (ie:
>>focal lengths other than 40 or 50mm, faster than f2.0), then I'll need
>>one of my Pentax k mount SLRs.  Usually that's going to be the LX.  If
>>there's a possibility that I'll be shooting flash or long-exposure
>>low-light shots, it's definitely going to be the LX.  If I want to be
>>using two bodies, then it's definitely going to be the LXen, since I
>>prefer using two of the same type of bodies simultaneously, so I don't
>>have to think when I switch.
>>The MX is the choice when I might want to use a zoom (for instance) or
>>something other than "standard" lens, but don't need a flash.  I often
>>use it for "tourist" shooting, as it's small, light, quiet, but will
>>accomodate a zoom (which my Leica won't).  And, of course, I do
>>sometimes use it with a small 50mm lens on it, just because it's such
>>a joy to use.  I just don't usually use it for the street, due to it's
>>silver colour, but it is fairly quiet and small, so it fits the bill
>>if I'm in the mood.
>>My other cameras are more for "fun", although I find myself using my
>>Yashicamat 6x6 more often these days, especially for a special project
>>that I've recently started (details of which may be revealed as soon
>>as this weekend - keep your eyes peeled).
>>I do like to take the Spotties and Mat out to "exercise" them every
>>couple of months, and just because I like the feel of them, but I
>>rarely use them for anything other than fun (with the exception for
>>the Mat as noted above).
>>It ain't rocket science <g>, and it may make little sense, but
>>there you go.
>>"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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