At 07:56 AM 3/26/2006, you wrote:


I'm in general agreement.

For those who enjoy and want the best out of film large format is a relatively inexpensive venture.
(That is, compared to what I've seen in some 35 outfits.)

4x5 -- a. $150 for a good press camera to start with (Busch Pressman 'D' or Crown Graphic)
$300 - $500 for a decent wood field. (Nagaoka. Perhaps a used Shen Hao or similar.)
        b. Add a good lens for $100 to $300.  (Fujinon, Schneider, most any)
        an excellent lens for $300 to $600.  (Schneider, Rodenstock)
8x10 -- a. $200 for a starter body (Kodak 2-D)
        $1000 for an excellent body.  (Deardorff)
        b. $300 for a basic lens.  (Schneider Symmar 300mm)

Look at the options and add it up.  Then add up what's in your digital world.
My outfit is probably a medium-sized film/digital outfit but adds up in value to over $2000. With 8x10 you really don't need an enlarger. Just a contact printing frame and a light
source direct enough to allow dodging.  These prints will always satisfy.
(Last year I met a 4x5 photographer who never enlarged. Nicely-framed 4x5 contacts
are/can be rather attractive.)

But if you do need to enlarge, just add (build yourself) a new back for the 8x10
(a light source) and put it (the camera) on a heavy copy stand.


"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose"
                                                -- Jim Elliott

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