Well ancient Greek philosophers claim there was no reality without perception. Modern scientists claim there is an underlying reality whatever our perceptions. So I guess that there is reality (fixed), and perception of reality (individual) both.

Now that we are all as confused as I am...

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Mark Roberts wrote:
Bob Shell wrote:

On Mar 26, 2006, at 12:54 PM, Mark Roberts wrote:

That's what I meant. I mean, reality is reality; we don't each get a
separate one, no matter how convenient that would be!

I beg to differ very strongly on that. Each of us inhabits his/her own reality, and it may overlap the realities of others at some times and in some ways, or it may not.

As Godfrey said, this is probably *too* far off-topic, even for the
PDML ;-)
But I feel very strongly that there *is* a reality, independent of
what I or anyone else sees, hears or otherwise experiences. Getting at
(or closer to) this is the goal of art (Oscar Wilde notwithstanding!)

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